Breaking News: Israel Attacked Iranian Airbase

Iran’s state media reported the deployment of air defence systems to intercept three drones over Isfahan amid escalating tensions following Iran’s retaliatory strike on Israel in response to an attack on its diplomatic premises in Syria. Meanwhile, US broadcaster ABC News cited a senior US official claiming Israel launched a missile attack on an Iranian site, although there was no confirmation from either Israel or Iran regarding this alleged incident. Flights in multiple Iranian cities were briefly halted, with reports of explosions in Syria and Iraq, heightening concerns of a wider regional conflict amidst the ongoing violence, including Israel’s prolonged military campaign in Gaza.

Sources said”Overnight Friday, reports emerged of Israel’s strike on an undisclosed site within Iran, marking a potential retaliatory move following Tehran’s recent aggression. While details remained unconfirmed, murmurs of explosions in Iraq and Syria added to the escalating tensions”.

US officials, anticipating such action, engaged in discussions with Israeli counterparts, emphasizing concerns over regional threats and Iran’s destabilizing activities. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin were at the forefront of these talks, underscoring America’s commitment to regional stability amidst the brewing conflict.

The strike comes in the wake of Iran’s recent assault on Israel from its own soil, a move that drew sharp condemnation from Washington. With the situation rapidly evolving, the specter of wider regional conflict looms large, prompting careful diplomatic maneuvering from all sides.

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