An alarming incident has shaken the Indian community as a video surfaced showing an Indian student in Chicago pleading for help while bleeding profusely after a vicious attack by robbers. The victim, Syed Mazahir Ali, was seen in the distressing footage with blood streaming from his nose and mouth, desperately seeking assistance. The gravity of the situation has prompted his family in Hyderabad to implore the government to facilitate his wife’s visit to the US.
Syeda Ruquliya Fatima Rizvi, Mr. Ali’s wife, has reached out to Foreign Minister S Jaishankar, expressing deep concerns about her husband’s safety and urging for immediate intervention to ensure he receives adequate medical care. She earnestly appeals for arrangements to be made for her and their three minor children to join Mr. Ali in the US during this critical time.
Mr. Ali, a master’s degree student at Indiana Wesleyan University, fell victim to a violent attack near his residence in Chicago, as depicted in CCTV footage where he was pursued by three assailants. In the harrowing video, he can be heard recounting the ordeal, pleading for assistance as he endured the assault.
This disturbing incident adds to a series of tragedies involving Indian students in the United States. The recent deaths of four Indian-origin students, including Shreyas Reddy Beniger, Neel Acharya, Vivek Saini, and Akul Dhawan, have heightened concerns about the safety and security of Indian students abroad. Despite authorities ruling out foul play in some cases, the string of fatalities underscores the need for enhanced measures to safeguard the welfare of Indian students studying overseas.