An FIR has been filed against Maulana Mufti Salman Azhari in Kutch, Gujarat, marking the second incident involving the religious figure in the state. The Gujarat Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) interrogated Azhari, who was arrested on Sunday, February 4, and subsequently handed over to the Junagadh Police. Upon custody, the Junagadh Police promptly presented Azhari before the court, seeking a 10-day remand for further investigation, with the court expected to decide shortly. The Gujarat ATS arrested Azhari in Mumbai’s Ghatkopar earlier this week over an alleged hate speech, following a case filed by the Junagadh Police. The case stemmed from a controversial speech Azhari delivered on January 31, which garnered widespread attention and led to legal action. Addressing his supporters gathered at Ghatkopar police station, Azhari urged calm, stating, “I am neither a criminal nor brought here for committing a crime. They are conducting necessary investigations, and I am cooperating. I am prepared to be arrested if it is destined.” Azhari’s lawyer, Wahid Sheikh, mentioned they were not informed of the purpose of the police visit when they arrived in the morning to question Azhari. Sheikh stated, “35-40 policemen in plainclothes were present at Maulana Mufti Salman Azhari’s house in the morning.
We inquired about their purpose, but were not informed. After coordination with Azhari, the police stated that a case had been filed under section 153 B in Gujarat. Azhari accompanied them to the police station and cooperated, but there has been no response yet. Azhari is willing to cooperate, but the police have not provided any response.” In a separate incident, two other individuals were arrested by Junagadh police in Gujarat on Saturday after a video of an inflammatory speech allegedly delivered by an Islamic preacher went viral on social media. Superintendent of Police Harshad Mehta stated that police were attempting to locate the preacher, Mumbai resident Mufti Salman Azhari.