Hardeep Singh Nijjar’s Assassination, Unveiling India’s Cryptic Connection on Canadian Soil

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has dropped a bombshell, claiming that his country’s security agencies possess “credible” intelligence linking the Indian government to the assassination of pro-Khalistan leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in British Columbia in June 2023. While this revelation has the potential to severely strain Canada’s relations with India, it also raises questions about India’s international reputation. Trudeau made the shocking statement in the Canadian parliament, emphasizing that any foreign government’s involvement in a Canadian citizen’s killing on Canadian soil is an unacceptable violation of sovereignty. However, Canada has yet to publicly reveal the evidence supporting this claim.

1.Hardeep Singh Nijjer an introduction

2. Hardeep singh Nijjer & The Khalistan Movement with Historical Overview and Current Status

2.Historical Context of movement

In response to these allegations, Canada expelled an Indian diplomat identified as Pavan Kumar Rai, who served as the head of India’s foreign intelligence agency (RAW) in Canada. India swiftly rejected Trudeau’s allegations, denouncing them as “absurd” and asserting that similar accusations made by the Canadian Prime Minister to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi were categorically rejected. India also accused Canada of sympathizing with Khalistani terrorists and attempting to deflect from the real issue.

Trudeau’s disclosure has garnered international attention, with him reportedly briefing leaders of Canada’s closest allies, including British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, French President Emmanuel Macron, and U.S. President Joe Biden. The White House expressed deep concern about Canada’s allegations, emphasizing the importance of a thorough investigation and bringing the perpetrators to justice.

This unprecedented accusation, excluding Pakistan, marks the first time in recent memory that a foreign government has directly accused New Delhi of involvement in an act of violence on their territory, let alone a murder. While diplomatic relations between India and Canada are not expected to be severed, Canada is contemplating measures to address what it views as a significant violation of Canadian sovereignty.

Trudeau expects India to cooperate in the investigation and adhere to international law concerning extrajudicial operations on foreign soil. Canadian opposition leaders have rallied behind the government, condemning these allegations as an outrageous violation of sovereignty. The situation remains fluid and continues to develop, with potential consequences for diplomatic relations between the two nations and India’s global standing.

Canada is currently looking into potential connections between Indian government agents and the murder of a prominent Sikh-Canadian activist, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, earlier this year. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addressed this issue in Parliament, expressing his deep concerns to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a recent G20 summit in New Delhi.

Hardeep Singh Nijjar was tragically shot on June 18 outside a Sikh temple in Surrey, British Columbia, sparking widespread questions and condemnation. Trudeau firmly emphasized that any involvement of a foreign government in the killing of a Canadian citizen Hardeep Singh nijjer on Canadian soil is an unacceptable violation of sovereignty, urging India to cooperate in the investigation.

India’s foreign ministry rejected these allegations, dismissing them as “absurd” and emphasizing their commitment to the rule of law. Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly revealed that an Indian diplomat, reportedly the head of India’s external intelligence agency in Canada, had been expelled in response to these allegations, although specific details were not provided.

Reports surfaced that Canadian national security authorities possessed “credible intelligence” pointing to India’s involvement in Hardeep Singh Nijjar’s killing, although the sources did not disclose the basis for this determination. While Canada is not currently considering severing diplomatic relations with India, it is contemplating measures to address what it sees as a serious violation of its sovereignty.

These accusations come at a time of strained relations between Ottawa and New Delhi, marked by various issues, including a stalled trade deal and Sikh activism in Canada. Modi expressed concerns about Sikh protests in Canada during his discussions with Trudeau at the G20, accusing these activists of promoting secessionism, inciting violence against Indian diplomats, and threatening the Indian community in Canada.

India’s foreign ministry criticized Canada for providing shelter to Sikh hardliners and diverting attention from Khalistani terrorists and extremists.Hardeep Singh Nijjar had been designated as a “terrorist” by Indian authorities, with the National Investigation Agency (NIA) alleging his involvement in a conspiracy to kill a Hindu priest in Punjab. In 2022, the NIA announced a reward for information leading to his arrest.Hardeep Singh Nijjar was also associated with “Sikhs for Justice,” a group advocating for an independent Sikh state in India, a stance rejected by Indian authorities.

Canadian lawmakers from various political backgrounds condemned India for its potential role in Hardeep Singh Nijjar’s killing, calling it an affront to Canadian sovereignty. Authorities in Canada are actively investigating the murder, having identified a vehicle believed to be connected to the incident and searching for three suspects.

Jagmeet Singh, the leader of the progressive New Democratic Party (NDP), emphasized the importance of using all available tools to investigate the killing thoroughly and bring those responsible to justice.

The Khalistan Movement: A Historical Overview and Current Status

2.The Khalistan Movement: A Historical Overview and Current Status


The Khalistan Movement is a complex and contentious issue that has shaped the socio-political landscape of India, particularly in the state of Punjab, for several decades. It represents a demand for an independent Sikh state, Khalistan, and has been a source of tension, violence, and debate both within India and among the global Sikh diaspora. This article provides an overview of the Khalistan Movement, its historical context, key events, and its current status.

3.Historical Context of movement

The roots of the Khalistan Movement can be traced back to a combination of historical, religious, and political factors. Sikhism, founded in the Punjab region in the 15th century by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, developed into a distinct religious and cultural identity. Over the centuries, Sikhs faced challenges and discrimination from various rulers and empires, including the Mughals and the British.

After India gained independence from British rule in 1947, Punjab was divided between India and Pakistan. This division created significant tension and led to the displacement of millions of Sikhs and Muslims. The Sikh community sought to protect its cultural and religious identity, and the demand for greater autonomy began to take shape.

Key Events

The Anandpur Sahib Resolution (1973): The demands for greater autonomy and recognition of Sikh rights culminated in the Anandpur Sahib Resolution, which was passed by the Shiromani Akali Dal, a prominent Sikh political party. The resolution sought greater control over Punjab’s resources and governance.

Operation Blue Star (1984): One of the most significant and tragic events in the Khalistan Movement was the Indian government’s military operation to remove Sikh militants from the Golden Temple complex in Amritsar. This operation, known as Operation Blue Star, resulted in the death of hundreds of militants, civilians, and the desecration of the holy shrine.

Anti-Sikh Riots (1984): Following the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi by her Sikh bodyguards in retaliation for Operation Blue Star, anti-Sikh riots erupted in various parts of India, resulting in the deaths of thousands of Sikhs and widespread destruction.

Militancy and Violence (1980s-1990s): The Khalistan Movement saw a period of violent insurgency, with various Sikh militant groups seeking to establish Khalistan through armed struggle. The Indian government responded with a heavy hand, resulting in significant loss of life and instability in Punjab.

Current Status

In recent years, the Khalistan Movement has evolved into political movement. While the demand for Khalistan remains a significant issue for some segments of the Sikh diaspora, particularly in countries like Canada and the United Kingdom, it has lost much of its momentum within India.

The Indian government has taken steps to address some of the underlying issues that fueled the Khalistan Movement. Punjab has seen economic growth and development, and there have been efforts to promote religious and cultural diversity. Additionally, Sikh representation in Indian politics has increased, with prominent Sikh leaders holding key positions in the central government.


The Khalistan Movement is a historical and complex phenomenon deeply rooted in the Sikh community’s religious and political aspirations. While it has witnessed periods of violence and instability, it has also transformed into a largely peaceful and political movement. The future of the Khalistan Movement remains uncertain, with differing perspectives within the Sikh community and evolving political dynamics in India. It continues to be a topic of discussion and debate both within India and among the Sikh diaspora worldwide.

To Know more about Hardeep singh please click here

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1.Introduction Of Hardeep Singh

Born in India, Nijjar migrated to Canada in the mid-1990s. Sikh organizations considered Nijjar a human rights activist, while the Indian government accused him of criminal and terrorist affiliations with the militant Khalistan Tiger Force, seeking his arrest. Hardeep Singh Nijjar and his supporters rejected these allegations, asserting his advocacy for peaceful means to establish Khalistan.

Nijjar gained prominence in 2019 as the leader of Guru Nanak Sikh Gurudwara in Surrey, British Columbia, and became an advocate of Sikh separatism. He was also associated with Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) and led the group’s Khalistan Referendum 2020 campaign.

On June 18, 2023,Hardeep Singh Nijjar was shot and killed in the parking lot of a Sikh temple in British Columbia. By September 18, 2023, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau disclosed that Canadian intelligence agencies were actively investigating credible allegations hinting at a potential link between Indian government agents and Hardeep Singh Nijjar’s assassination. In response, Canada expelled an Indian diplomat, leading to a diplomatic escalation as India’s foreign ministry denied any involvement in the killing and retaliatorily expelled a high-ranking Canadian diplomat.

As of October 2023, Canadian authorities have not made any arrests in connection with the murder but have disclosed ongoing investigations involving three suspects. However, Canada has not provided evidence implicating the Indian government, citing the necessity to safeguard sensitive intelligence sources and methods.

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