Under the leadership of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Uttar Pradesh has become a testing ground for divisive initiatives, such as “bulldozer justice” and campaigns against “love jihad” and “economic jihad.” The fear now is that the recent ban on halal certification in UP, a move controlled by Muslims, may set a precedent for other BJP-governed states.
The ban, enforced through a sudden government order, claims that halal certification creates a “parallel system” inconsistent with the Food Safety and Standards Act. This decision, seen by some as an economic boycott of Muslims, puts the certification process under government control and threatens the thriving halal industry, estimated at around $100 billion in India.
Muslims argue that the ban not only challenges their dietary practices tied to religious identity but also aims to undermine their businesses. The ban, seemingly politically motivated, followed a complaint by a minor BJP functionary accusing certification companies of issuing ‘forged’ certificates.
Despite the lack of evidence, the police swiftly charged four Muslim-run entities, linking them to exploiting religious sentiments. This, in turn, became the basis for the UP government’s broad ban, claiming the spread of “unrestrained propaganda.”
The halal ban has economic and cultural implications, affecting not only the lucrative halal market but also reflecting tensions between religious communities. The government’s move, sparked by a relatively minor complaint, underscores the contentious nature of the decision and raises concerns about its potential extension to other BJP-governed states.
As the halal certification controversy unfolds, questions about the origin and motivation behind this sweeping measure persist, leaving the affected communities and businesses uncertain about the future landscape of the halal industry in India.