Election Rigging in Pakistan on Peak PTI Claims Victory

In the ongoing tallying of votes in Pakistan, Imran Khan’s PTI has surged ahead with a significant lead on 154 seats, while PML-N and Bilawal Bhutto’s PPP are in close contention, each leading on approximately 47 seats, according to current trends.

The election night witnessed a dramatic pause in the counting process, prompting allegations of fraud from PTI as their backed independent candidates were leading on over 154 seats at the time of the halt. Upon the resumption of counting, PML-N’s numbers notably increased, prompting PTI to accuse manipulation favoring Nawaz Sharif’s party.

PTI has vehemently stated that attempts to tamper with the public mandate will be thwarted. Notably, former Pakistani PM Shehbaz Sharif, Nawaz Sharif’s brother, clinched victory from the Lahore constituency amidst the unfolding electoral dynamics.