Britney Spears Confidently Declares Full Recovery from Foot Injury Despite Concerns

Britney Spears is confident that her previously broken foot has fully healed, despite recently sharing a week-old video showing it still swollen. “Just last week, can you believe it!!! How is it already better???” the 42-year-old pop star exclaimed on Instagram, displaying her bruised and swollen foot.

Spears proudly stated, “I was stubborn and did it my way!!! I didn’t listen to anyone!! I even wore heels at night and danced with the saints!!!” She also detailed her activities during the healing process, including skinny dipping in Mexico, enjoying expensive wine, and singing in her outdoor shower.

The injury occurred after an altercation with Paul Richard Soliz at Chateau Marmont on May 2, leading to an ambulance call. However, Spears clarified she hurt her foot after a clumsy fall at the Los Angeles hotel, reassuring fans that nothing serious happened. Despite the injury, she didn’t seek hospital treatment and returned to her Thousand Oaks home that night.

Soliz, a former housekeeper for Spears, was romantically linked to her in September 2023, though he was dismissed due to his criminal history. Friends have expressed concern about their relationship, calling Soliz ‘extremely dangerous.’ Spears revealed she was “walking on a broken foot” and declined professional help, choosing to let her body heal on its own despite the risks.

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