US Official Lauds Pakistani Ambassador for Transforming US-Pakistan Relations – Find Out How!

United States Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Elizabeth Horst praised Masood Khan, Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States, for his efforts in strengthening ties between Islamabad and Washington.

“On behalf of the State Department, I just want to note that the US-Pakistan relationship is in the best place it’s been in years, largely due to what Ambassador Masood Khan has done to represent Pakistan and build bridges between Islamabad and Washington,” Horst said at a farewell dinner.

The event, organised to honour Khan’s services, saw attendance from officials of the Department of State and the Department of Defense.

Horst acknowledged that, like any longstanding relationship, the ties between the two countries have experienced friction. However, she added, “because of you, we know how we can talk through this, and we have a framework to address any issues.”

After serving two years as Pakistan’s top representative in the US from February 2022, Khan is set to leave his diplomatic post next Monday, with his deputy taking over envoy duties.

Khan, a seasoned diplomat, was nominated for the position by then-prime minister Imran Khan in November 2021. Additional Foreign Secretary (Middle East and SIFC) Ambassador Rizwan Saeed Sheikh has now been appointed as the new envoy to the United States.

In her commendation, Horst noted that both countries have achieved stability and a broader relationship unseen in many years. “We have opened new dialogues and sought new areas of trade,” she said, adding that the nations have explored ways to cooperate on health, energy, and climate—topics long overlooked.

“And all of that is because you, Masood, have been an extraordinary representative of the Pakistani people and government. You have been a person of integrity, bringing creativity and hospitality. You have used your dining room table for delicious lunches for everyone in the US government and Capitol Hill. You have been incredibly effective, and our relationship is now stronger because of your efforts.”

Horst concluded by expressing her appreciation for Khan’s contributions, noting that while he is leaving, the relationship between Pakistan and the US is stronger than ever. “I think we are all going to benefit from the two years you have put in here. I want to thank you personally and on behalf of the State Department.”

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