Shoaib Malik has tied the knot with Pakistani actress Sana Javed amidst swirling rumors of his separation from Indian tennis legend Sania Mirza. The veteran Pakistani cricketer made the announcement on Saturday via a social media post on X, formerly known as Twitter, featuring pictures from their wedding ceremony along with the caption: “And we created you in pairs.”
Speculations about Malik’s relationship with Javed had been circulating for some time, gaining momentum when he extended birthday wishes to the actress last year with a photo of the two together. In March 2022, Malik defended Javed against accusations of rude behavior, emphasizing her kindness and courtesy.
Malik’s wedding revelation came as a surprise on both sides of the border amid ongoing rumors of his divorce from Mirza. The couple had initially married in Hyderabad in 2010, following traditional Muslim customs, and later celebrated a Walima ceremony in Sialkot, Pakistan. They share a son, Izhaan, born in 2018.
Although the reasons behind the reported strains in Malik and Mirza’s relationship remain undisclosed, signs of reduced social media activity and limited joint posts became evident over time. Reports surfaced last year about the couple collaborating on a TV show, resulting in “The Mirza Malik Show” on Spotify, where they hosted various celebrities in episodes lasting around 40 minutes.
Earlier in the week, Sania Mirza posted a cryptic message on her Instagram, reigniting speculation about a potential divorce with Shoaib Malik. The post highlighted the challenges of marriage and divorce, urging individuals to carefully choose their battles in life.
Regarding Shoaib Malik’s marital history, officially, this marks his second marriage. However, there were previous unconfirmed reports of his marriage to Ayesha Siddiqui before his union with Sania Mirza. Malik, during his wedding to Mirza, faced allegations of an existing marriage with Siddiqui, which he denied. The Ayesha Siddiqui incident was later clarified by Malik as a case of fraud, where he had been misled by false representations. A legal dispute ensued, with Ayesha making accusations against Malik, including claims of an intimate relationship and a miscarriage during their alleged ‘marriage.’
Sania Mirza’s Shocking Divorce Revelation: The Real Reason She Ended It All with Shoaib Malik!
Sania Mirza has officially divorced cricketer Shoaib Malik, as per undisclosed sources. These sources indicate that the tennis star, aged 37, grew increasingly discontented with Shoaib’s interactions with other women, a matter she had chosen to overlook for some time. Sania eventually reached a point where she could no longer tolerate her husband’s behavior.
In a development disclosed on Saturday by Geo News, the divorce took place after the couple’s separation in late 2022. Shoaib Malik, 41, subsequently announced his third marriage to actor Sana Javed on his Instagram, expressing gratitude and citing the Quranic verse, “And We created you in pairs.”
However, Shoaib’s family reportedly expressed dissatisfaction by abstaining from attending the wedding ceremony. His brother-in-law, Imran Zafar, confirmed that none of Shoaib’s family members were present and revealed that he learned about the marriage through social media. Shoaib’s family had apparently urged him to reconcile with Sania and work on their relationship.
The sources also disclosed that both families had traveled to Dubai at the end of 2022 to address the marital issues, emphasizing Shoaib’s family’s reluctance to support a divorce. Despite their efforts, the marriage ultimately ended, and Shoaib is set to reunite with his son in Dubai.
Notably, Sania had posted a cryptic message on Instagram two days prior, discussing the challenges of marriage and divorce, emphasizing the need to choose one’s battles wisely.
The former power couple, who tied the knot in 2010 and welcomed their son, Izhan Mirza-Malik, in 2018, had been making headlines since 2022 due to reports of their separation. Despite the rumors, neither Shoaib nor Sana publicly confirmed their relationship status, maintaining a level of secrecy around their personal lives. The public, however, has remained curious about the details of their private affairs, fueled by speculation and the couple’s silence on the matter.
To know More About Sania Mirza Click Here
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