Nitin Gadkari, the Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways, announced on social media that a budget of Rs. 224.44 crore has been approved for constructing the Shopian Bypass on National Highway-444 in Jammu & Kashmir. This project aims to convert the highway into a two-lane road with paved shoulders, stretching over 8.925 kilometers in the Shopian district. The construction will be carried out using the EPC Mode.
Gadkari emphasized the strategic importance of connecting Shopian District with Pulwama and Kulgam within the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir. He highlighted the project’s potential to benefit apple growers in south Kashmir, particularly in Shopian district, known as the “Apple bowl of the valley,” by facilitating quicker transportation of their produce to markets. Additionally, the project is expected to enhance overall connectivity and improve road safety measures in the region.