Why Jewish Activists Bring Traffic to Halt in Los Angeles? Rallying for Peace in Gaza

During yesterday’s rush hour, a group of Jewish activists disrupted traffic on a Los Angeles highway, demanding an immediate halt to Israeli actions in Gaza.As reported by the Los Angeles Times, the demonstrators, affiliated with IfNotNow, an organization advocating an end to American support for the Israeli apartheid regime, sat in a cross-legged formation on the highway, bringing traffic to a standstill and causing a significant backup in a city already grappling with congestion.

Protesters demanding a ceasefire and an end to U.S. support for Israel’s attack on Gaza block morning traffic on the 110 Freeway, in Los Angeles, California, U.S., December 13, 2023. REUTERS/David Swanson

Wearing black T-shirts emblazoned with the messages “Not in our name” and “Jews say cease-fire now,” the protestors placed a large menorah in the center of the highway, symbolizing their call for peace. The Jewish Activists group fervently chanted, “Cease-fire now,” expressing their urgent plea for an end to the conflict.

In a shared post on the Jewish Activists movement’s social media account, one protester stated, “We can’t stand idly by as civilians are murdered by the thousands. Ceasefire now!”The organization emphasized the humanitarian toll of the conflict in another post, declaring, “Millions face death by bomb, bullet, starvation & disease in Gaza. No more business as usual.”Approximately an hour into the demonstration, law enforcement intervened to forcibly reopen the road, bringing an end to the protest.

It’s essential to recognize that opinions and perspectives within any community, including the Jewish community, are diverse. Not all Jews share the same views on Zionism, and opinions can vary widely based on individual beliefs, experiences, and historical contexts. It’s important not to make sweeping generalizations about any group of people.

However, some Jews may express criticism or opposition to Zionism for a variety of reasons. Here are a few perspectives:

  1. Religious Interpretations: Some Jews, particularly within certain Orthodox communities, may oppose Zionism on religious grounds. They believe that the establishment of a Jewish state should await the arrival of the Messiah, and any attempt to establish a state before that time is a violation of divine will.
  2. Political and Ideological Differences: Jews, like any other group, have diverse political beliefs. Some may critique Zionism based on political or ideological grounds, expressing concerns about the impact of certain policies on human rights, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, or the broader geopolitical landscape.
  3. Nationalist Concerns: Some Jews may oppose specific aspects of Zionism due to concerns about nationalism, arguing that an emphasis on a particular ethnic or religious identity can lead to exclusionary practices or contribute to tensions with other communities.
  4. Peace Advocacy: Some Jews may critique aspects of Zionism based on a commitment to peace and coexistence. They might express concerns about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and advocate for diplomatic solutions, negotiation, and a two-state solution.
  5. Historical Perspectives: Some Jews, particularly those with roots in communities outside Israel, might view the establishment of the state in historical context and consider the consequences for Jewish communities in the diaspora.

It’s important to engage in respectful and nuanced discussions about such complex topics, recognizing that within any community, there is a spectrum of opinions. Not all Jews hold the same views on Zionism, and discussions about these matters should involve a consideration of diverse perspectives and experiences.

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Judaism, one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world, has a rich history, diverse traditions, and various sects that have evolved over centuries. This article delves into the different branches and sects within Judaism, highlighting their unique characteristics, beliefs, and historical developments.

  1. Orthodox Judaism

Orthodox Judaism is known for its strict adherence to traditional Jewish law, or Halakhah. This sect emphasizes the importance of Torah study and the observance of commandments (mitzvot). Within Orthodox Judaism, there are further distinctions between Modern Orthodox, who engage with the modern world while upholding traditional values, and Ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) communities, known for their more stringent practices and separation from secular influences.

  1. Conservative Judaism

Conservative Judaism seeks a balance between tradition and modernity. It acknowledges the authority of Jewish law but allows for interpretation and adaptation in response to changing times. Conservative Jews observe traditional rituals while embracing a more flexible approach to modern living.

  1. Reform Judaism

Reform Judaism is characterized by a progressive and liberal approach. It emphasizes individual autonomy in interpreting and adapting Jewish practices, often incorporating contemporary values. Reform Jews may vary widely in their observance of traditional rituals, and many endorse gender equality within religious roles.

  1. Reconstructionist Judaism

Reconstructionist Judaism, founded by Mordecai Kaplan in the early 20th century, focuses on the evolving nature of Jewish culture and tradition. It emphasizes the cultural and historical aspects of Judaism, with a democratic approach to decision-making within the community.

  1. Hasidic Judaism

Hasidic Judaism emerged in Eastern Europe in the 18th century as a mystical and fervently religious movement. Hasidic communities place a strong emphasis on joyful worship, storytelling, and a personal connection with God. Each Hasidic group, led by a rebbe (spiritual leader), has its unique traditions and customs.

  1. Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews

Beyond denominational differences, Judaism is also divided into distinct cultural groups. Sephardic Jews trace their heritage to the Iberian Peninsula, North Africa, and the Middle East, while Ashkenazi Jews have roots in Eastern and Central Europe. These groups have unique customs, languages, and culinary traditions, enriching the overall diversity of Judaism.


Judaism’s diverse sects and traditions reflect the adaptability and resilience of this ancient religion throughout history. While differences exist, they contribute to the vibrant tapestry of Jewish identity. Understanding these various branches allows for a deeper appreciation of the complexities within Judaism and fosters a sense of unity in diversity among Jewish communities worldwide.

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