Google Employees Arrested After Pro-Palestine Protest Over Business Ties with Israel

Google employees advocating for the cessation of business dealings with the Israeli government and military found themselves arrested on Tuesday following a takeover of Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian’s office in California. Occupying the space for over 8 hours, the employees streamed their Pro-Palestine protest on Twitch, capturing their arrest as well.

During the occupation, a representative approached the protestors, informing them of their administrative leave status and requesting voluntary departure. However, the protestors declined, leading to police intervention and subsequent arrests.

The protest, organized internally via email exchanges, was fueled by demands including the severance of Google’s ties with Israel, particularly the $1.2 billion Project Nimbus contract. The protestors emphasized concerns over alleged harassment and intimidation of Palestinian and Muslim employees, urging Google to prioritize their safety and well-being.

Highlighting a national day of protest on April 16, employees underscored their stance against Google’s involvement in what they term as enabling Israel’s actions in Palestine and Gaza. A central demand remains the termination of Project Nimbus until Google disengages from associations deemed supportive of the Israeli government’s policies.

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