The Israel-Hamas war has completely exposed the Rulers of the Islamic world

The Israel-Hamas conflict has not only unleashed a wave of violence and devastation in Gaza but has also served as a stark revelation of the deep-rooted issues plaguing the leadership within the Islamic world. In the face of relentless oppression and suffering endured by Muslims, particularly in Gaza, a critical examination of the responses from leaders across the Islamic world unveils a troubling reality. Despite comprising over 50 nations, the Islamic world has seemingly faltered in its ability to protect and advocate for its oppressed brethren. This failure is compounded by accusations of servitude to American interests among many Islamic leaders, eroding trust and solidarity within the global Muslim community. Moreover, the reluctance of Arab rulers to confront the injustices inflicted upon Palestinians, opting instead to pursue normalization with Israel, further underscores the moral bankruptcy and cowardice prevalent among certain segments of leadership in the Islamic world. As the conflict persists and casualties mount, the urgent call for change resonates louder than ever, demanding a reevaluation of governance and a reclamation of agency to confront external pressures and safeguard the interests of Muslims worldwide. This article delves into the multifaceted dimensions of the Israel-Hamas conflict, exposing the failures of leadership within the Islamic world and advocating for a paradigm shift towards accountability and solidarity.

Several key points regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict and its implications for the Islamic world. Here is a detailed elaboration on each point:

  1. Inability of the Islamic World to Protect Oppressed Muslims: The article suggests that despite the presence of over 50 countries in the Islamic world, there is a failure to effectively address and protect oppressed Muslims, such as those in Gaza affected by the conflict with Israel. This highlights a perceived weakness or lack of unity within the Islamic world when it comes to standing up for the rights of its members in times of crisis.
  2. Rulers as American Slaves and Servants: The article accuses many rulers in the Islamic world of being subservient to American interests, implying that they prioritize their relationships with the United States over the needs and interests of their own people. This perspective suggests a deep-seated distrust of certain leaders within the Islamic world and their perceived alignment with external powers.
  3. Arab Rulers’ Lack of Morality and Courage: The article specifically criticizes Arab rulers for their perceived lack of integrity and bravery in dealing with the Israel-Hamas conflict. It accuses them of attempting to normalize relations with Israel despite the suffering and loss of life experienced by Palestinians in Gaza. This critique reflects a broader sentiment of disillusionment with the leadership in Arab-majority countries and their handling of regional crises.

The article concludes by suggesting that the solution to these perceived shortcomings lies in the Islamic world’s ability to rise up and replace its current leaders with individuals who are more committed to the well-being and interests of their people. It warns that failure to do so may result in continued exploitation and oppression by external powers such as the United States and Israel.

In essence, the article portrays the Israel-Hamas conflict as a catalyst for exposing what it sees as systemic flaws within the leadership of the Islamic world, calling for a fundamental change in governance to address these issues effectively.


The Israel-Hamas conflict has brought to light significant deficiencies within the leadership of the Islamic world. Despite comprising more than 50 nations, the Islamic community has struggled to effectively support oppressed Muslims, such as those in Gaza. Many leaders are accused of being subservient to American interests, undermining the welfare of their own people. Arab rulers, in particular, are criticized for their perceived lack of morality and courage in dealing with the conflict, opting for normalization with Israel instead of advocating for justice for Palestinians. The article calls for a change in leadership within the Islamic world to address these issues and prevent further exploitation by external powers.

Addressing the systemic failures within the leadership of the Islamic world requires a multifaceted approach aimed at fostering accountability, unity, and empowerment. Here are some potential solutions to consider:

  1. Political Reform and Accountability Measures: Implementing transparent political processes, including free and fair elections, can help ensure that leaders are accountable to their constituents rather than external interests. Instituting mechanisms for oversight and accountability, such as independent anti-corruption agencies and investigative bodies, can also help curb abuses of power and foster trust between leaders and the populace.
  2. Promotion of Islamic Unity and Solidarity: Fostering solidarity among Muslim-majority countries and communities is essential for addressing common challenges and advocating for the rights of oppressed Muslims globally. Platforms for dialogue, collaboration, and mutual support, such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), can serve as avenues for promoting unity and collective action.
  3. Empowerment of Civil Society and Grassroots Movements: Empowering civil society organizations, human rights activists, and grassroots movements can provide alternative channels for advocating for change and holding leaders accountable. Supporting initiatives that promote civic engagement, human rights education, and community mobilization can help amplify the voices of marginalized groups and challenge oppressive regimes.
  4. Investment in Education and Youth Empowerment: Investing in education, particularly in areas such as critical thinking, civic education, and human rights awareness, can empower future generations to actively participate in shaping their societies and holding leaders accountable. Engaging youth in decision-making processes and providing platforms for their voices to be heard can also contribute to fostering a culture of accountability and democratic governance.
  5. Promotion of Economic Independence and Self-Sufficiency: Reducing dependence on external powers and promoting economic independence and self-sufficiency can enhance the resilience of Muslim-majority countries and reduce vulnerability to external pressure. Investing in diverse economic sectors, promoting entrepreneurship and innovation, and fostering regional economic cooperation can help build robust and sustainable economies that are less susceptible to external manipulation.
  6. Diplomatic and Legal Advocacy on the International Stage: Utilizing diplomatic channels and international legal mechanisms to advocate for the rights of oppressed Muslims and hold perpetrators of human rights violations accountable is crucial. Engaging with international organizations, such as the United Nations, and leveraging diplomatic alliances can amplify the voices of Muslim-majority countries and garner support for meaningful action on issues such as the Israel-Palestine conflict.

By implementing these solutions and fostering a culture of accountability, solidarity, and empowerment, the Islamic world can work towards addressing the systemic failures within its leadership and building a more just, equitable, and resilient future for all Muslims.