In Telangana’s Mancherial district, chaos erupted at Blessed Mother Teresa High School in Kannepalli village when Principal Jaimon Joseph confronted students wearing saffron attire to campus. Joseph’s inquiry stemmed from noticing some students donning the attire, claiming to observe a 21-day Hanuman Deeksha ritual.
The situation escalated drastically when a video circulated on social media, alleging that the principal prohibited Hindu attire at the school. Subsequently, a mob descended upon the institution, wreaking havoc and assaulting staff members. Videos depict saffron-clad individuals chanting “Jai Shri Ram” as they vandalize the school premises, while teachers plead for restraint.
During the rampage, principal Joseph was surrounded, beaten, and forcibly marked with tilak on his forehead. Additionally, the mob targeted a statue of Mother Teresa, pelting it with stones. Police intervened to quell the violence and remove the agitators from the premises.
Amidst the chaos, authorities filed a case against two staff members, including Principal Joseph, based on a complaint from the parents of the students involved. The charges include hurting religious sentiments and promoting religious discord.
The incident underscores the fragility of communal tensions and the swift escalation fueled by misinformation on social media. The school community now grapples with the aftermath of the attack, while demands for an apology from the institution linger amidst heightened tensions.