Shocking : Erdogan Raises again Kashmir Issue During UN General Assembly Address

“As Turkiye, we will continue to support the steps to be taken in this direction,” he said.
Turkish President Raises Kashmir Issue During UN General Assembly Address Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey will continue to support the steps to be taken in this direction.

United Nations: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan raised the issue of Kashmir during his address to world leaders at the high-level 78th session of the UN General Assembly session here.”Another development that will pave the way for regional peace, stability and prosperity in South Asia will be the establishment of a just and lasting peace in Kashmir through dialogue and cooperation between India and Pakistan,” Erdogan said in his address to the General Debate Tuesday.

“As Turkiye, we will continue to support the steps to be taken in this direction,” he said.

His comment comes weeks after he met Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in New Delhi during which both the leaders discussed strengthening trade and infrastructure relations.

Erdogan said it was a matter of pride that India was playing a role at the United Nations Security Council. He said he favoured making five permanent and 15 “temporary” members as permanent members of the UN Security Council.

“Those 20 (5+15) should be permanent members of the UNSC in rotation. But as you know, the world is bigger than five. When we say the world is larger than five, what we mean is that it’s not only about the US, UK, France, China and Russia,” he said.
In recent years, the Turkish leader has referred to the issue of Kashmir in his address to world leaders at the high-level UN General Assembly session.

Last year, Erdogan raked up the issue of Kashmir during his address to world leaders at the high-level UN General Assembly session here.

“India and Pakistan, after having established their sovereignty and independence 75 years ago, they still haven’t established peace and solidarity between one another. This is much unfortunate. We hope and pray that a fair and permanent peace and prosperity will be established in Kashmir,” Erdogan had said.

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In 2020, Erdogan in his pre-recorded video statement to the General Debate had made a reference to Jammu and Kashmir. India had at that time termed it as “completely unacceptable”, saying Turkey should learn to respect the sovereignty of other nations and reflect on its own policies more deeply.

Understanding the Kashmir Issue: A Complex Quagmire


The Kashmir issue, one of the longest-standing conflicts in modern history, has continued to be a flashpoint in South Asia, causing tensions between India and Pakistan for decades. This contentious dispute revolves around the region of Kashmir, a picturesque territory nestled in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. To comprehend the Kashmir issue, it is essential to delve into its historical context, its geopolitical significance, and the complex dynamics that have kept the region in turmoil.

Historical Background

The roots of the Kashmir issue can be traced back to the partition of British India in 1947. As India and Pakistan gained independence, princely states were given the option to join either of the two new nations or remain independent. Maharaja Hari Singh, the ruler of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, faced a difficult decision. While the majority of his subjects were Muslim, he himself was Hindu. Ultimately, he decided to accede to India, a move that led to a chain of events that would shape the Kashmir issue for decades to come.

Indo-Pak Wars and Ceasefire Line

Soon after the accession, India and Pakistan engaged in their first war over Kashmir in 1947-48. The conflict resulted in the establishment of the Line of Control (LoC), which effectively divided Kashmir into Indian-administered and Pakistan-administered territories. A ceasefire was brokered by the United Nations, and the issue was left unresolved.

Subsequent conflicts, notably in 1965 and 1999, further escalated tensions between the two countries. These clashes emphasized the volatile nature of the Kashmir issue, which has led to a significant military presence on both sides of the LoC.

Autonomy and Article 370

In the Indian-administered portion of Kashmir, Article 370 of the Indian Constitution granted the region a special autonomous status, allowing it to have its own constitution and significant control over internal matters. However, this autonomy was eroded over the years, causing resentment among Kashmiri Muslims who felt marginalized.

Recent Developments

In August 2019, the Indian government, led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), revoked Article 370, stripping the special status of Jammu and Kashmir. This move led to widespread protests and a heavy security crackdown in the region, attracting international attention and condemnation. India defended its actions as an internal matter aimed at bringing development to the region.

Global Implications

The Kashmir issue is not just a bilateral dispute between India and Pakistan; it has broader regional and global implications. Both countries possess nuclear weapons, making the conflict potentially catastrophic. Additionally, China, which shares a border with both India and Pakistan, also has interests in the region, further complicating the situation.

Calls for Resolution

The international community has repeatedly called for a peaceful resolution to the Kashmir issue, with the United Nations urging both India and Pakistan to engage in dialogue. However, achieving a lasting solution has proven to be extremely challenging, as both countries have deeply entrenched positions on the matter.


The Kashmir issue remains a complex and sensitive topic, characterized by historical grievances, political maneuvering, and competing national interests. Its resolution continues to be elusive, leaving the people of Kashmir in a state of uncertainty and insecurity. As long as the issue remains unresolved, the region will remain a potential flashpoint with the potential for dire consequences. Achieving peace and stability in Kashmir remains a formidable challenge that requires sustained diplomatic efforts and a willingness on both sides to find common ground.

India’s official stance on the Kashmir issue is as follows:

Integral Part of India: India considers the entire region of Jammu and Kashmir, including Pakistan-administered territories (Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan), as an integral part of its sovereign territory. This stance is based on the Instrument of Accession signed by the then-Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir, Hari Singh, in 1947, which allowed the region to accede to India.

Abrogation of Article 370: In August 2019, the Indian government, led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), revoked Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, which granted special autonomous status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. This decision was followed by the bifurcation of the region into two Union Territories – Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh. India defended this move as an internal matter aimed at promoting development, ending separatism, and integrating the region more closely with the rest of the country.

Sovereignty and Bilateral Talks: India has consistently maintained that the Kashmir issue is a bilateral matter to be resolved through dialogue with Pakistan, as stipulated in the Simla Agreement of 1972 and the Lahore Declaration of 1999. India has been open to talks with Pakistan on various issues, including Kashmir, provided that they are conducted in an environment free of cross-border terrorism.

Counterterrorism: India asserts that the main obstacle to resolving the Kashmir issue is Pakistan’s support for and sponsorship of cross-border terrorism in the region. India has called on Pakistan to dismantle terrorist infrastructure on its territory and take concrete actions to prevent terrorists from operating against India.

Development and Democracy: India has emphasized its commitment to promoting development and democracy in the newly created Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. The government has initiated various development projects aimed at improving the lives of the people in these regions.

Pakistan’s official stance on the Kashmir issue is as follows

Dispute Over Kashmir: Pakistan views the Kashmir issue as a long-standing dispute with India. It asserts that the people of Jammu and Kashmir have a right to self-determination, as recognized by various United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions, to determine their political future.

Call for Resolution: Pakistan consistently calls for a peaceful and negotiated resolution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the relevant UNSC resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people. It argues that a fair and impartial plebiscite should be conducted to allow Kashmiris to decide whether they want to accede to India, Pakistan, or become independent.

Internationalization: Pakistan has sought international intervention and mediation in the Kashmir issue, asking the United Nations and other international organizations to play a more active role in facilitating a resolution. Pakistan has also called on the international community to urge India to engage in dialogue and address the grievances of the Kashmiri people.

Human Rights Concerns: Pakistan has consistently raised concerns about alleged human rights violations in Indian-administered Kashmir, including issues such as restrictions on civil liberties, arrests, and alleged excessive use of force by Indian security forces. Pakistan calls for an end to what it sees as human rights abuses in the region.

Cross-Border Conflict: Pakistan has been accused by India of supporting and sponsoring cross-border terrorism in the Kashmir region. Pakistan denies these allegations but acknowledges providing diplomatic and political support to the Kashmiri people’s struggle for self-determination.

Bilateral Talks: Pakistan maintains that the Kashmir issue should be resolved through peaceful negotiations with India. It has expressed its willingness to engage in dialogue with India to address the issue, provided that such talks are conducted in good faith and without preconditions.

American Opinion

Bilateral Resolution: The U.S. government has consistently emphasized that the Kashmir issue is a matter for India and Pakistan to resolve through dialogue and negotiations. It encourages both countries to engage in direct talks to find a peaceful and lasting solution.

Support for Peace and Stability: The United States has expressed support for peace and stability in the region and has encouraged measures to reduce tensions in Kashmir. The U.S. government has urged all parties to refrain from actions that could escalate the situation.

Concerns About Human Rights: The U.S. government has expressed concerns about human rights issues in the region and has called for greater transparency, respect for the rule of law, and protection of the rights of all residents of the region.

Counterterrorism Cooperation: The United States has encouraged India and Pakistan to cooperate in addressing common challenges, including counterterrorism. It has expressed concerns about terrorist groups operating in the region and has called on Pakistan to take action against such groups.

Role of Mediation: While the U.S. has at times expressed a willingness to assist in facilitating dialogue between India and Pakistan, it has generally respected India’s preference for bilateral negotiations and has not actively pursued a mediation role.

Support for Confidence-Building Measures: The U.S. has supported confidence-building measures between India and Pakistan as a means to reduce tensions and create a conducive environment for dialogue.

Divided Choice of Kashmiri People

The aspirations and preferences of the Kashmiri people are diverse, and it’s essential to recognize that there is no single, unified viewpoint that represents all Kashmiris. The region of Jammu and Kashmir is home to a diverse population with varying perspectives on its political future. Here are some of the key viewpoints that have been expressed by different segments of the Kashmiri population:

Autonomy or Independence: Some Kashmiri separatist groups and individuals advocate for either greater autonomy within India or complete independence from both India and Pakistan. They argue that the people of Kashmir should have the right to determine their own political future through a plebiscite or referendum.

Integration with India: There are Kashmiri political leaders and parties that support the idea of greater integration with India while safeguarding the cultural and economic interests of the region. Some argue for a return to the pre-1953 status of autonomy within the Indian Union.

Pakistan Sympathizers: In some parts of the Kashmir Valley, there are individuals and groups with sympathies toward Pakistan. They may call for merging with Pakistan or forming a closer political and cultural alliance with Pakistan.

Human Rights and Peace: Many Kashmiris, irrespective of their political leanings, emphasize the importance of peace, stability, and the protection of human rights in the region. They call for an end to violence, the removal of security restrictions, and the restoration of civil liberties.

Youth Aspirations: Younger generations of Kashmiris, who have grown up in a protracted conflict, often express a desire for improved economic opportunities, access to education, and a peaceful environment. They may be less focused on historical political disputes and more concerned with their immediate quality of life.

Civil Society and Activism: Civil society organizations, human rights activists, and community leaders in Kashmir play a crucial role in advocating for various issues, including human rights, justice, and social development.

It’s important to note that the Kashmiri population is not homogenous, and there is a wide spectrum of opinions within the region. Political preferences can vary based on factors such as geography, religion, ethnicity, and historical experiences. Additionally, the situation on the ground can evolve, and people’s viewpoints may change in response to political developments and changing circumstances. As such, it’s challenging to provide a single definitive answer to the question of the Kashmiri people’s preferences, as these preferences can be fluid and multifaceted.

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