Star cricketer Shoaib Malik took to Instagram on Sunday to extend warm birthday wishes to his wife and actress, Sana Javed. Sharing three cherished photos of them together, Malik captioned the post, “Happy Birthday Sana Shoaib Malik.”
Just a few days prior, Sana Javed had expressed her affection for Malik in an Instagram story. Quoting “Sometimes miracles are good people with kind hearts,” she referred to Malik as the miracle in her life, adding, “My one and only SM,” adorned with a heart emoji.
The surprise marriage announcement of the all-rounder cricketer and the talented actress stunned their fans on January 20, 2024. Both Shoaib and Sana shared glimpses of their wedding on their social media platforms with the caption, “Alhamdullilah. And We created you in pairs.”
Before tying the knot, Shoaib Malik was previously married to Indian tennis star Sania Mirza, while Sana Javed was married to actor/singer Umair Jaswal.