PM Modi Announces Start of Preparations for Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Elections

Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced today that preparations for assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir have commenced, marking a crucial step towards reinstating democratic processes in the region. Speaking at SKICC in Srinagar, Prime Minister Modi underscored the importance of local representation, stating, “The people of Jammu and Kashmir elect their representatives at the local level; through them, you find ways to solve problems. What can be better than this?”

He added, “Preparations for the Assembly elections have begun. The time is not far when you will elect the new government of Jammu and Kashmir with your votes. That day will soon come when Jammu and Kashmir will once again make its future better as a state.”

Addressing the audience, Modi highlighted efforts to bridge emotional and geographical divides, remarking, “Whether it’s the distance of hearts or of Delhi, we are trying our best to erase them.” He further noted, “In true sense, the construction of India has been implemented now while the wall of Article 370 has been broken down.”

The Prime Minister’s statements emphasize the government’s dedication to fostering unity and ensuring a brighter future for Jammu and Kashmir as a state.

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