Union Minister Meenakshi Lekhi strongly criticized a portion of the audience at a youth conclave on Saturday for their reluctance to chant the “Bharat Mata Ki Jai” slogan, despite her repeated requests. Clearly annoyed, Lekhi questioned whether Bharat (India) was not their mother and even suggested that a woman, hesitant to join in the chant, should leave the venue.
The conclave, organized by certain right-wing groups, concluded with the senior BJP leader leading the “Bharat Mata Ki Jai” chant and urging the audience to follow suit. When the response was not as expected, she questioned whether Bharat was not considered their home.
Lekhi emphasized that Bharat is not only her mother but also theirs, asking the audience to express their enthusiasm. Despite repeating the slogan, she expressed dissatisfaction with the response from the left side of the audience.
Addressing a woman in the crowd, Lekhi instructed her to stand up and directly questioned her commitment to Bharat. When the woman did not respond as expected, Lekhi suggested that she should leave the event.
The minister made it clear that individuals who do not take pride in the nation and feel embarrassed to speak about India should reconsider their participation in the youth conclave.