Google Update Unveiled: Transform Your Search Game with These Cutting-Edge AI Enhancements!

Over the past twenty years, we’ve consistently pushed the boundaries of what a search engine can achieve, guided by our mission to organize the vast expanse of information in the world and ensure it’s accessible and useful to all. This journey has been closely intertwined with our advancements in AI, empowering us to comprehend various forms of information, be it text, audio, images, or videos.

As part of our evolution, we’ve focused on making search interactions more natural and instinctive. You can now search using your voice or even your camera through Lens. Recently, we’ve been exploring how the capabilities of generative AI can enhance the conversational aspect of search queries.

Our vision is to enable searching in any way, anywhere, seamlessly. In 2024, we’re excited to unveil two significant updates that bring us closer to this vision: Circle to Search and an AI-driven multisearch experience.

Circle to Search allows you to search directly from your Android phone screen without switching apps. With a simple gesture like circling, highlighting, or tapping, you can select images, text, or videos effortlessly and find relevant information instantly, eliminating the need to interrupt your current task.

Launching globally on select premium Android smartphones, including the Pixel 8 series and the Samsung Galaxy S24 series, Circle to Search ensures that your curiosity can be satisfied without disruption.

Moreover, our multisearch experience, initially introduced in Lens, has now been enhanced with AI-powered insights. When you point your camera or upload an image and ask a question via the Google app, you’ll receive results that provide deeper understanding beyond just visual matches.

For instance, if you stumble upon an unfamiliar board game at a yard sale, you can take a picture, ask a question like “How do you play this?”, and receive an AI-powered overview with essential information sourced from the web. This feature enables you to quickly grasp what the game is about and how to play it, with additional supporting links for further exploration.

AI-powered overviews on multisearch results are now available in English in the U.S., accessible through the Google app for Android or iOS. For users outside the U.S., a preview of this experience is available in the Google app for those enrolled in the Search Generative Experience (SGE).

Our commitment to advancing generative AI in search doesn’t stop here. We will continue to experiment and innovate, leveraging feedback from users to introduce new features that make search more intuitive and helpful for everyone. Enroll in Search Labs and opt into the SGE experiment to stay updated on the latest developments as we redefine the future of search.

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