Farooq Abdullah in anger said Let Jammu & Kashmir go to hell

Former Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir and National Conference leader, Farooq Abdullah, sparked controversy on Tuesday in response to the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Centre’s abrogation of Article 370. He sharply criticized the move, stating, “Let Jammu and Kashmir go to hell. They betrayed people. They want to win people’s hearts. How’d you do that if you’d do such things to push people farther away?” However, as the controversy unfolded, Abdullah shifted focus, posing questions to the BJP and accusing them of transforming the region into a Union territory and cited issues like the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir and the absence of elections for the last four years.

1.Farooq Abdullah is Ex Cheif Minister Of J&K leader of National Confrence

2.Farooq Abdullah is MP from Kashmir

3. Farooq Abdullah is Most Controversial political leader

In his clarification, the National Conference leader accused the BJP of turning the once heavenly state “into hell” and questioned the delay in holding elections. Abdullah argued, “I have not set Kashmir on fire. Jammu and Kashmir was heaven. Who turned it into hell? Have we been able to win the hearts? If elections can be held anywhere in the country, then why not in Kashmir?”

He also criticized a section of the media for promoting hatred and emphasized the need to use media to foster goodwill. Abdullah expressed concern about the impact of spreading hatred, stating, “We have a lot of enemies, and at this time such spread of hatred will only weaken us.”

Abdullah further questioned the delay in holding elections, highlighting the issues faced by the region. “Nothing is being done for ‘heaven’. Tell me what is being done for heaven? Elections are taking place everywhere. What is our fault that it is not being held here? Which other state was turned into a UT? Didn’t you make it hell? You say terrorism has been eliminated, but is that the case? You (Central Government) are not winning our hearts,” he added. The Supreme Court has set a deadline of September 2024 for holding elections in Jammu & Kashmir.

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Farooq Abdullah defended Jawahar Lal Nehru against BJP’s blame for decades of violence and instability in the region. He claimed that Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Syama Prasad Mukherjee were involved in according special constitutional privileges to Jammu & Kashmir under Article 370. Abdullah emphasized, “I don’t know why they (BJP) have so much venom against (Pandit Jawaharlal) Nehru.” He clarified that Nehru was not solely responsible for the special status and highlighted the role of Patel and Mukherjee in the decision-making process.

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To know More about fAROOQ ABDULLAH

1.Farooq Abdullah served as the Member of Parliament from Srinagar, Jammu, and Kashmir. He is a prominent political figure and has held various positions in the government, including serving as the Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir.

2.Farooq Abdullah was indeed serving as the Member of Parliament (MP) from Srinagar, Kashmir. He has been actively involved in politics and has represented the Srinagar constituency in the Lok Sabha.

3.In the case of Farooq Abdullah, he has been a significant and sometimes controversial figure in the political landscape of Jammu and Kashmir. Controversies surrounding politicians can be complex, involving regional and national dynamics, historical context, and differing perspectives


Farooq Abdulah is leader of National confrence let know about it .The National Conference (NC) stands as a pivotal political entity within the complex and dynamic landscape of Indian politics. Rooted in the historical and socio-political context of Jammu and Kashmir, the National Conference has played a significant role in shaping the region’s destiny. Founded in 1932 by Sheikh Abdullah, the party has been a key participant in the intricate discussions surrounding the state’s autonomy and its relationship with the Indian Union. Known for its advocacy of secularism, democracy, and the protection of the region’s distinct identity, the National Conference has undergone transformations and faced challenges, reflecting the ever-evolving narrative of Jammu and Kashmir. This introduction aims to shed light on the historical significance, ideological underpinnings, and political trajectory of the National Conference, a party that continues to hold a substantial place in the socio-political tapestry of the region.

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