World Daughters Day: We Should Respect Our Daughters

World Daughters Day is an occasion that reminds us of the invaluable role daughters play in our lives and the need to celebrate, cherish, and respect them. In a world striving for gender equality and empowerment, it is essential to recognize and honor the contributions, aspirations, and dreams of our daughters. In this article, we explore the significance of World Daughters Day and why we should unequivocally respect and celebrate our daughters.

Table of Contents

Recognizing the Value of Daughters

Daughters are an integral part of our families and society. They bring joy, love, and a unique perspective to our lives. While we often hear the phrase “like father, like son,” it’s equally important to acknowledge the qualities and strengths that daughters bring into the world. Daughters are often empathetic, nurturing, and resilient, contributing positively to their families and communities.

Breaking Stereotypes and Gender Bias

World Daughters Day offers an opportunity to challenge stereotypes and biases that persist in many societies. It reminds us that daughters can excel in any field, pursue their passions, and lead in various domains. By celebrating our daughters, we send a powerful message that their dreams and ambitions are not limited by gender norms or societal expectations.

Empowering Our Daughters

Empowering daughters begins with fostering an environment of love, support, and encouragement. As parents and mentors, we must provide them with the tools and opportunities they need to thrive. This includes access to education, mentorship, and a nurturing space where they can explore their interests and talents freely.

Celebrating Achievements

World Daughters Day is a moment to celebrate the achievements of our daughters, both big and small. Whether it’s excelling academically, making a positive impact in their communities, or pursuing their passions, each accomplishment deserves recognition and applause. By celebrating their achievements, we boost their confidence and self-esteem.

Respecting Individuality

Every daughter is unique, with her own dreams, aspirations, and talents. Respecting our daughters means embracing their individuality and allowing them to make choices that align with their values and goals. We must trust their judgment and support their decisions, whether it’s their choice of career, life partner, or lifestyle.

Teaching Values

Respecting our daughters also involves imparting essential values and principles. We should teach them the values of kindness, empathy, compassion, and respect for others. By instilling these values, we help them become responsible, caring, and ethical individuals who contribute positively to society.

Nurturing Confidence

Confidence is a crucial trait that empowers daughters to overcome challenges and reach their full potential. As parents and mentors, we must provide a safe space for our daughters to express themselves, make mistakes, and learn from them. Encouraging them to believe in themselves and their abilities is essential for their personal and professional growth.

opportunities and are treated with the same respect and dignity as their male counterparts.

Supporting Their Dreams

Our daughters have dreams and aspirations, and it’s our responsibility to support and nurture them. Whether they aspire to be scientists, artists, leaders, or entrepreneurs, we should stand by their side, providing the encouragement and resources they need to turn their dreams into reality.

Celebrating Our Daughters Every Day

While World Daughters Day serves as a dedicated occasion to celebrate and respect our daughters, let us remember that this celebration should extend beyond a single day. Every day should be an opportunity to cherish, empower, and uplift our daughters. By doing so, we contribute to a more equitable and inclusive world where every daughter can thrive and make a meaningful impact. On this World Daughters Day and every day thereafter, let us reaffirm our commitment to respecting, celebrating, and empowering our daughters.

The Islamic Perspective on Parenting Daughters: Love, Equality, and Moral Values


Islam, one of the world’s major religions, provides comprehensive guidance on various aspects of life, including the relationship between parents and their children, particularly daughters. Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of treating daughters with kindness, love, and compassion, and they underscore the principle of gender equality within families. This article delves into the teachings of Islam regarding the treatment of daughters, highlighting the significance of raising them well, nurturing their faith, and ensuring their proper upbringing.

Treating Daughters with Kindness and Compassion

One of the fundamental teachings of Islam is the requirement for parents to treat their daughters with kindness and compassion. This is deeply rooted in the Quran, the holy book of Islam, and the sayings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad, known as hadiths.

Avoiding Harm and Burying Daughters Alive

In pre-Islamic Arabia, the practice of burying infant daughters alive was tragically common. Islam categorically condemned this heinous act. The Quran mentions this practice and sternly forbids it, as in Surah Al-Takwir (81:8-9): “And when the girl [who was] buried alive is asked for what sin she was killed.” This verse serves as a stark reminder of the severe prohibition against harming or taking the life of a daughter. Thus, Islam vehemently opposes any form of harm or discrimination against daughters.

Gender Equality

Islam places a strong emphasis on gender equality, which extends to how parents should treat their children, regardless of their gender. The Quran explicitly states in Surah Al-Nisa (4:32): “And do not wish for that by which Allah has made some of you exceed others. For men is a share of what they have earned, and for women is a share of what they have earned.” This verse highlights that both sons and daughters have an equal share in their parents’ love, care, and inheritance.

Raising Daughters in Islam

Islam not only advocates for the equitable treatment of daughters but also places great importance on their upbringing, education, and spiritual development.

A. Role of Parents in Religious Education

Islamic teachings emphasize the role of parents in imparting religious education to their children. This responsibility extends to both sons and daughters. The Prophet Muhammad stated: “When a person dies, his deeds come to an end, except for three: ongoing charity, knowledge that is benefited from, and a righteous child who prays for him” (Sahih Muslim). This hadith underscores the value of knowledge and the importance of raising children, including daughters, to be righteous and knowledgeable.

B. Marriage and Daughters

In Islam, the responsibility of arranging marriages for daughters lies with their parents. This responsibility carries with it a duty to ensure that daughters are married into good families where they will be treated with respect and kindness. The Prophet Muhammad encouraged parents to marry their daughters off to righteous and pious individuals who would uphold their rights and protect their dignity.

Rewards for Treating Daughters Well

Islamic teachings provide reassurance and incentives for parents who treat their daughters well and fulfill their responsibilities toward them.

A. Companionship in Heaven

The Prophet Muhammad conveyed the glad tidings that those who raise their daughters well, teach them Islam, and marry them off to good families will be his companions in heaven. This promise serves as a powerful motivator for parents to prioritize their daughters’ well-being and upbringing.

B. Protection from Hellfire

A hadith narrated by Abu Huraira mentions that those who treat their daughters generously will be shielded from hellfire. This underscores the importance of generosity and kindness towards daughters, not only as a moral obligation but as a means of seeking protection from divine punishment.

Islamic Ethical Code: Adab

In addition to specific teachings related to daughters, Islam provides a broader framework of ethics and manners known as Adab. This ethical code encompasses good manners, courtesy, respect, and appropriateness, which should be observed in all aspects of life, including parenting.

A. Good Manners and Courtesy

Parents are encouraged to demonstrate good manners and courtesy in their interactions with their children, setting a positive example for them to follow. This includes using polite language, showing patience, and practicing active listening when communicating with daughters.

B. Respect for Children’s Good Deeds

Islam teaches parents to appreciate and acknowledge their children’s good deeds. This recognition reinforces positive behavior and fosters a sense of self-worth in daughters. In doing so, parents contribute to their daughters’ emotional and psychological well-being.

The Role of Mothers

Mothers hold a special place in Islamic teachings, and their role in raising daughters is particularly significant. The Prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of mothers in the upbringing of children, stating: “Paradise lies beneath the feet of your mothers” (Sunan Ibn Majah). This hadith underscores the high regard and respect that Islam accords to mothers, who play a pivotal role in nurturing and guiding their daughters.

Challenges and Contemporary Issues

While Islamic teachings provide a solid foundation for the treatment and upbringing of daughters, contemporary challenges and issues must be considered.

A. Cultural Practices

In some regions and communities, cultural practices may still prevail over Islamic teachings, leading to harmful traditions or discrimination against daughters. It is essential for Muslims to prioritize Islamic principles over cultural norms and work toward eliminating harmful practices.

B. Gender Bias

Despite the Quran’s clear emphasis on gender equality, gender bias can persist in some Muslim-majority societies. This bias may manifest in disparities in educational opportunities, inheritance rights, or career choices. Addressing gender bias is an ongoing challenge within the Muslim community.

C. Access to Education

While Islam encourages the pursuit of knowledge for both genders, access to education for girls and women can be limited in certain areas. Efforts must be made to ensure that daughters have equal opportunities to receive a quality education.

D. Modern Parenting Challenges

Modern parenting comes with its own set of challenges, including the influence of technology, changing family structures, and the demands of contemporary society. Muslim parents must navigate these challenges while adhering to Islamic principles.


In conclusion, Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of treating daughters with kindness, love, and compassion. Parents are urged to raise their daughters in an environment that fosters their spiritual growth and provides them with the knowledge of Islam. The rewards promised for those who fulfill these responsibilities serve as a source of motivation.

Moreover, the principles of gender equality and ethical conduct are integral to Islamic teachings and should guide parents in their interactions with their daughters. By following the guidance of Islam, parents can play a vital role in nurturing daughters who are not only pious and knowledgeable but also empowered to contribute positively to society.

Addressing contemporary challenges, such as cultural practices, gender bias, and access to education, requires a concerted effort within Muslim communities to align with the core values and teachings of Islam. Ultimately, the treatment and upbringing of daughters in Islam should reflect the profound love and respect that the religion accords to all children, regardless of their gender.

(S.A.Hussain is a prominent Islamic writer, is recognized for his profound contributions to Islamic literature and scholarship. He has dedicated his life to exploring and interpreting the rich tapestry of Islamic culture, history, and spirituality through his writings. With an extensive body of work encompassing books and numerous articles.)

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