In a heartbreaking incident, two young students from Darul-uloom Faiz-ul-uloom lost their lives due to suffocation in the serene village of Ashtangoo, located in north Kashmir’s Bandipora district. The distressing event unfolded on Wednesday morning, sending shockwaves through the community.
According to a police official, the unfortunate demise occurred when authorities discovered the children along with their father unconscious in their home. Despite swift efforts to rush them to the nearby hospital, the young boys, identified as Muneer Ahmad Chechi, aged 10, and Tanveer Ahmad Chechi, aged 9, could not be revived.
Their father, Qasim Ahmad Chechi, is currently receiving medical care at the district hospital in Bandipora, struggling to cope with the tragic loss of his beloved sons.
As investigations into the incident commence, initial findings point towards suffocation as the likely cause of death. The entire community mourns the loss of these promising young souls and extends its deepest condolences to the grieving family.