Bareilly witnessed sporadic incidents of stone pelting and chants as tensions from Haldwani spread to the city. On Friday, Bareilly remained heavily guarded following outbreaks of violence in Uttarakhand’s Haldwani, triggered by the demolition of an alleged “illegally constructed” madrasa the night before, as stated by senior police officials. A significant deployment of police and paramilitary forces was in effect after the precautionary detention of several religious leaders, including Maulana Tauqir Raza, the chief of Ittehad-e-Millat Council (Bareilly Sharif), who were later released.
Maulana Raza’s call for a ‘Jail Bharo’ (fill the jails) protest regarding the Gyanvapi mosque dispute added to the unrest, especially after the demolition of the madrasa in Haldwani. Hundreds gathered after Friday prayers around 2:30 pm in support of Raza, leading to the closure of markets across the city.
Alert in Uttar Pradesh
Prashant Kumar, the Director General of Police (DGP) of Uttar Pradesh, confirmed a state-wide alert following the violence in Haldwani. District police chiefs were instructed to be vigilant, with additional deployments in districts bordering Uttarakhand. “Pre-planned deployments and restrictions helped avert major incidents. The situation is now calm, although security measures will remain heightened,” stated Bareilly Zone Additional DG PC Meena.
Stray Incidents in Bareilly
Bareilly Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Ghule Sushil Chandra Bhan reported isolated incidents of stone pelting and slogans at the Shyam Ganj market within Baradari police station limits. He also noted an attack on three youths near the Sailani locality, resulting in minor injuries to two. However, he assured that the situation was under control, with flag marches conducted in sensitive areas to reassure residents.
SSP Bhan emphasized vigilance against elements attempting to disrupt peace and communal harmony in Bareilly. “We are monitoring social media and urge people to refrain from posting anything inflammatory,” he advised.