Zakir Naik’s Upcoming Visit to Pakistan: Controversy and Reactions

Zakir Naik, a controversial Islamic scholar from India, is set to visit Pakistan in October. He will be accompanied by his son, Sheikh Farooq Naik, and will hold events in Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad. Information about the visit has been shared on his social media, which also mentions that the Pakistani government invited him.

Zakir Naik is facing charges in India related to money laundering and inflammatory speeches. He currently resides in Malaysia, where the Indian government is trying to extradite him.

His upcoming visit has sparked discussions in India. On social media, some people are questioning the invitation for Naik, while others are welcoming it. He will speak on topics like “Is it important to understand and read the Quran?” and “What is the purpose of our life?”

A Pakistani user, Amir Mughal, expressed concern about inviting Naik, noting that he is not welcome in India and is often associated with extremist views. He shared an old video where Naik discusses the division of India, suggesting Muslims should have remained united.

Many videos circulating in Pakistan also show Naik justifying actions of Osama bin Laden and the Taliban.

Former Pakistani High Commissioner to India, Abdul Basit, welcomed Naik’s programme, stating that he is warmly received in Pakistan.

Another user, Madiha, commented that Pakistan needs to reconsider inviting people like Naik and Tarek Jameel to universities, as the Tablighi Jamaat has been accused of radicalising students over the past 30 years.

Hussain Haqqani, a former Pakistani ambassador to the US, tweeted that inviting religious extremists could harm Pakistan’s image.

Imtiaz Mahmood commented on the mutual interests between Naik and Pakistan.

Zakir Naik has avoided visiting Pakistan in the past, citing concerns that he would be accused of links to intelligence agencies if he went there. He has expressed love for Pakistan and mentioned plans to visit in 2020, which were interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

He is now open to visiting Pakistan, stating that invitations have started coming in.

Zakir Naik has faced legal issues in India, including allegations related to terrorism and extremist activities. His organization, the Islamic Research Foundation, was banned in 2016, and he has been declared a fugitive by the Indian government.

Born in 1965 in Mumbai, Naik initially trained as a doctor before founding his organization and gaining fame for his speeches on Islam. He has faced numerous accusations of promoting extremism, particularly after a deadly attack in Bangladesh in 2016 linked to his influence.

While living in Malaysia, Naik has managed to avoid extradition, as long as he does not become embroiled in any legal issues there.

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