Ex-Army Chief General Qamar Javid Bajwas Secret Role in Toppling Imran Khan Revealed by Moulana Fazul U Rehman

Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI-F) leader Maulana Fazlur Rehman asserted on Thursday that the no-confidence motion which led to the removal of former Prime Minister Imran Khan was initiated under the directives of retired General Qamar Javed Bajwa, the former army chief.

In a televised interview, Maulana Fazl, who headed the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), a coalition aimed at toppling Khan’s government, revealed his initial reservations about the no-confidence motion. He explained, “I personally opposed the motion, but yielding to pressure from other parties was necessary to avoid being perceived as protecting the PTI founder.”

The PDM successfully ousted the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government in April 2022. Subsequently, led by Shehbaz Sharif, the alliance governed for 16 months before facilitating the transition to a caretaker administration.

Initially, Khan attributed his ousting to U.S. intervention, a claim refuted by the Biden administration. Later, he shifted blame to Gen. Bajwa, citing purported remarks by the retired general to a journalist acknowledging his role in the government’s removal.

Following his unprecedented removal through a no-confidence vote, Khan continued to criticize the establishment. However, political circles also implicated the former army chief in the PTI’s downfall.

Maulana Fazl disclosed that during the no-confidence movement, Lt. Gen. (retired) Faiz Hamid emphasized adherence to constitutional processes. Despite initially rejecting this counsel, Fazl acknowledged the departure of key allies from the PTI-led government necessitated his cooperation to avoid accusations of aiding Khan.

Regarding the aftermath of the February 8 elections, which failed to yield a clear majority, Fazl expressed dissatisfaction with the results, echoed by other parties including the PML-N and PPP.

Fazl revealed his party’s decision to participate in parliament without joining the government, opting instead for street politics to influence decision-making. He alleged electoral irregularities benefiting the PML-N and questioned the legitimacy of Nawaz Sharif’s victory in Lahore.

Although PML-N’s Shehbaz Sharif discussed government formation with Fazl, the latter declined, urging the party to join the opposition. Fazl lamented the loss of parliamentary credibility and asserted that if the establishment deems the elections fair, the May 9 narrative stands debunked.