Prince Harry’s Potential Role as Regent Explored Amid Succession Concerns

Prince Harry may find himself in a significant royal position should Prince William be unable to succeed King Charles, according to a royal expert. While Charles’ succession plans currently do not include the Duke of Sussex, there remains a possibility of Harry rejoining the Royal Family.

The Mirror reports that Charles’ health issues have led to a hastened succession strategy centred on Prince William and Kate Middleton. This situation has reportedly upset Harry, but royal expert Tom Quinn noted that in the “unlikely event” of both Charles and William being unable to take the throne, Harry “could potentially serve as regent.”

Quinn emphasised the unthinkable nature of such a scenario, stating, “The idea that William might not be able to take over is a nightmare scenario that nobody wants to contemplate.” He added a glimmer of hope for Harry, explaining, “It is certainly possible constitutionally that Harry would be called upon to be regent in the unlikely event of both Charles and William being out of the picture.”

Reflecting on historical precedents, he mentioned, “The last time Britain had a Regent in the early 19th century, we had someone who was an absolute rogue; someone who makes Harry look like one of the good guys. Moreover, the constitution does not consider individual popularity or family disputes.”

However, Quinn clarified that if Harry were to assume the role of regent, his wife, Meghan Markle, would not automatically become queen. Instead, she would hold the title of the Regent’s wife. “Harry would certainly not be overlooked without careful consideration if the need for a regent arose, but that would not elevate Meghan to queen,” he explained. “She would simply be the Regent’s wife—nothing more. Caroline of Brunswick only became queen when the Prince Regent ascended the throne in 1820, and in the British constitution, precedent is everything.”

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