Pakistan Responds Swiftly: Counterattack on Iran Within 24 Hours of Jaish-ul-Adl Assault

Pakistan took military action against targets in Iran on Thursday, responding to Iran’s assault on the headquarters of the Jaish al-Adl group in Pakistan’s Balochistan province. The warning of “consequences” issued by Pakistan the day before was followed by reported attacks on posts belonging to two Baloch separatist groups, namely the Balochistan Liberation Front and the Balochistan Liberation Army.

Iran’s strike on the Jaish al-Adl group’s headquarters involved both missiles and drones, described by Iran as a decisive response to perceived threats to its national security. In condemnation of Iran’s actions, Pakistan accused its neighbor of violating its airspace and emphasized the severe implications of such transgressions.

Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared the Iranian incursion a breach of international law and the principles outlined in the United Nations Charter. The ministry labeled the act as unacceptable and devoid of justification. Furthermore, Pakistan asserted its right to respond to what it deemed an “illegal act,” holding Iran responsible for any ensuing consequences.

To express its displeasure, Pakistan took diplomatic measures, recalling its ambassador from Iran and temporarily halting the return of the Iranian Ambassador to Pakistan. Additionally, high-level visits between the two nations were suspended, both ongoing and planned.

The ongoing conflict involves the Jaish al-Adl group, designated a terrorist organization by Iran since its formation in 2012. This group has carried out numerous attacks on Iranian soil in recent years. The exchange of military actions between Iran and Pakistan adds to the escalating tensions in the Middle East and the Red Sea region.

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