In Sargodha district of Punjab, Pakistan, a disturbing incident unfolded on Saturday as an enraged mob targeted a member of the Christian community, alleging involvement in a desecration incident. The situation rapidly escalated into violence, resulting in the torching of property and the arrest of at least 25 individuals by the authorities.
According to reports from Geo News, the unrest erupted when a group of angry individuals attacked the home of the Christian individual in the Mujahid Colony area. The mob vandalized his property and set fire to a shoe factory located within the premises. Additionally, they damaged public infrastructure such as burning tires and disrupting electricity installations in the vicinity.
Upon receiving information about the escalating violence, a significant police force was deployed to the area. Police swiftly intervened, rescuing the accused individual and his family, and relocating them to an undisclosed location for their safety.
District Police Officer (DPO) Asad Aijaz and Regional Police Officer (RPO) Sharik Kamal Siddiqui were personally present to oversee efforts to contain the situation. Police resorted to using tear gas to disperse the unruly mob and arrested 25 individuals suspected of involvement in the riots.
Authorities emphasized that such acts of lawlessness would not be tolerated, reaffirming their commitment to maintaining peace and order. RPO Siddiqui assured that a thorough investigation into the alleged blasphemy incident would be conducted, with legal action to follow against those found guilty.
Sargodha Division Commissioner Muhammad Ajmal Bhatti pledged to ensure transparency in the inquiry and promised that all individuals responsible for the violence would be held accountable under the law. He also clarified that despite the chaos, there were no reported fatalities, with only one person sustaining injuries. The injured individual was reported to be in stable condition and expected to be discharged from the hospital soon.
In response to the incident, the Punjab home secretary condemned the violence and assured that strict action would be taken against the perpetrators following a thorough inquiry.
Earlier, the RPO confirmed that the mob had also attacked the police with stones, although authorities managed to disperse them eventually.
Meanwhile, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) expressed grave concern over the situation in Sargodha, urging the Punjab Police and district administration to restore peace in the area and promptly bring the perpetrators to justice.