In a crackdown on Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) radicalization, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted coordinated raids across 17 locations spanning Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and other states. The operation, stemming from a case concerning the radicalization of prisoners by an LeT terrorist, targeted individuals allegedly influenced by T. Naseer, an LeT operative serving a life sentence in Bengaluru’s Central Prison since 2013.
The case originally surfaced when Bengaluru City Police seized a cache of weapons last year, including pistols, grenades, and walkie-talkies. Subsequent investigations and interrogations led to the arrest of six individuals, with NIA taking over the case in October. Among those detained, T. Naseer stands accused of indoctrinating and mobilizing the group, comprising Mohammed Umar, Mohammed Faisal Rabbani, Tanveer Ahmed, Mohammed Farooq, and Junaid Ahmed, all former inmates of Bengaluru Prison.
Junaid Ahmed, another accused, remains at large. The NIA’s efforts aim to dismantle the network orchestrated by Naseer, who allegedly recruited individuals within the prison confines for potential acts of terror.