A remarkable achievement unfolded in Jammu and Kashmir’s Baramulla district on Saturday when 10,000 women set a new world record for the largest Kashmiri folk dance ever performed. This extraordinary feat occurred during the ‘Kashur Riwaaj’ cultural festival, as announced by the Union Territory administration.
The festival was organized by the Dagger Division of the Army’s Chinar Corps, in collaboration with the Baramulla District Administration and the Indrani Balan Foundation. The event was a prelude to the 78th Independence Day celebrations, according to a government spokesperson.
Held at the Showkat Ali Indoor Stadium, the festival showcased Kashmir’s rich cultural heritage through a variety of traditional dances, music, calligraphy, and other cultural activities. The highlight of the day was the mass performance of the ‘Rouf’ dance, a traditional Kashmiri dance, which achieved a new world record.
“We spent nearly a month preparing for this moment,” said one of the participants. “Seeing all our hard work come to fruition is incredibly rewarding. We’re thrilled to have set this world record.”
Deputy Commissioner Minga Sherpa oversaw the smooth execution of the event, which was graced by Corps Commander Lt Gen Rajiv Ghai as the chief guest. The Indrani Balan Foundation, led by Punit and Janhavi Balan, played a pivotal role in supporting the festival, continuing their commitment to cultural and developmental initiatives in Baramulla.
“This event exemplifies the successful collaboration between the civil, military, and industrial sectors, as well as the youth,” said an official from the Indrani Balan Foundation.
The record-setting performance was verified by the Universal Records Forum (URF), an ISO 9001:2015 certified organization that adheres to strict standards for record verification and adjudication.
The festival also featured performances by renowned local artists. Ishfaq Hamid Bhatt, a 13-year-old musical prodigy, dazzled the audience with his skillful playing of the Rubab, a traditional Kashmiri string instrument. Master Ishfaq, who won the prestigious Pradhan Mantri Bal Puraskar 2024, is celebrated for his dedication to preserving Kashmiri musical traditions.
Additionally, Naseer Ahmed Mir, a distinguished Santoor player who received a gold medal from the President of India during the 2021 convocation at Kashmir University, delivered an impressive performance.
The success of ‘Kashur Riwaaj’ has set a new standard for cultural events in the region, fostering a spirit of tradition and patriotism among Kashmir’s youth, concluded the spokesperson.