Shocking Verdict: Egyptian Court Sentences Leaders of ”Ikhwan Ul Muslimeen” to Death! What Led to This Dramatic Turn of Events?

In a Cairo courtroom on Monday, a decisive verdict was delivered, marking the culmination of a long legal battle. Eight individuals, including the former supreme guide of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammed Badie, were sentenced to death by hanging, confirmed by court officials to The National.

Badie, who once held the reins as the eighth Supreme Guide of the (Muslim Brotherhood) Ikhwan Ul Muslimeen, led the organization during tumultuous times from 2010 to 2013. His arrest came amidst a wave of upheaval spurred by a military-led uprising against the government supported by the Brotherhood, ultimately paving the way for the current presidency of Abdel Fattah El Sisi.

Also facing the grim fate of death by hanging is Mahmoud Ezzat, Badie’s successor and acting general guide of the Brotherhood from 2013 until his arrest in 2020.

The condemned men, including prominent members of the guidance bureau of the Freedom and Justice Party, the political arm of the Ikhwan Ul Muslimeen, were pivotal figures during the presidency of Mohamed Morsi, who assumed office in 2012 following the ousting of Hosni Mubarak.

Their alleged crimes stem from their involvement in organizing a massive sit-in at Cairo’s Rabaa Al Adaweya Square, an act of protest following Morsi’s removal from power. The subsequent dispersal of the protest by the Egyptian military resulted in a tragic loss of life.

The court’s ruling accuses the defendants of conspiring to overthrow President El Sisi’s government and fostering discord and “national disunity” through their actions.

Despite the severity of the verdict, the defendants retain the right to appeal.

This case, often referred to as the “Al Manasa case” by Egyptian state media, holds historical significance, as the sit-in occurred near the site where former president Anwar Sadat was assassinated in 1981.

Alongside the death sentences, 37 others received life imprisonment, while six were sentenced to 15 years of hard labor, and 21 were acquitted.

Since El Sisi’s ascent to power in 2013, his administration has conducted a relentless crackdown on the Ikhwan Ul Muslimeen, leading to the arrest of hundreds. Human rights groups have decried the executions of prisoners.

In response, Brotherhood figures have spearheaded a media campaign against El Sisi’s government from abroad, while El Sisi himself has consistently blamed the Brotherhood and its allies for instigating chaos in Egypt with the aim of reclaiming power.

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