Dr. Shreekar Pant’s Team Develops Patent for Parthenium-Based Laundry Soap, Transforming Ecological Threat into Economic Opportunity

Dr. Shreekar Pant, Coordinator, Centre for Biodiversity Studies, BGSB University, Rajouri, J&K, and his colleagues published a patent named “Parthenium-Based Laundry Soap Formulation” in The Patent Office Journal, Government of India. Dr. Pant and his team has devised a strategy for turning the ecological threat of Parthenium (Congress Grass, a well-known invasive plant) into an economic and profitable opportunity. This unique idea will provide economic opportunities for rural communities and young entrepreneurs. Furthermore, they have changed a detrimental intruder into a useful resource. This technology helps to save the ecosystem as well as will provide long term livelihood alternatives to local residents in future”

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