In early June, a wedding in a small Myanmar village turned into a nightmare when an airstrike hit the celebration. The attack, which happened in Matao village in the Sagaing region, resulted in the deaths of 33 people, including women and children.
What Happened?
Hnin She was celebrating her wedding with 100 friends and family when disaster struck. An aircraft flew low and dropped bombs on the wedding party. Hnin She describes how everyone had moved to the lower floor of the venue for photos when the bombs were dropped between the guests and the other group nearby. Another bomb landed in front of the house where the groom was staying. Witnesses reported that, after the bombing, military forces started shelling from across a nearby river while people tried to help the injured and carry away the dead.
The Military’s Role
The Myanmar military has not officially confirmed their involvement in the attack. However, a military spokesperson claimed that they had received information suggesting that the wedding was actually a meeting of the People’s Defense Forces (PDF), a group opposing the military. Some media channels supporting the military claimed that the attack was because PDF members were present at the wedding.
Hnin She’s Story
Hnin She, who used a revolutionary name for safety reasons, fears that the airstrike was planned based on information from pro-military sources. She had been part of the PDF in the past but now works with the People’s Administration Organization, which operates in PDF-controlled areas.
Rising Violence
Since the military coup in 2021, violence has surged in Myanmar. The NLT A organization reports that airstrikes have increased significantly, with 819 airstrikes recorded in 2024 alone. Sagaing region saw the highest number of these strikes. Many schools and religious buildings have been damaged or destroyed.
Impact on Villages
The military’s strategy has involved increasing troop deployments and retaliating against villages supporting the PDF. This has led to burning of villages and increased violence. In some cases, the military has used lists of suspected PDF members to threaten villages into compliance.
A Grim Reality
The situation in Myanmar remains dire. Villages are frequently attacked, and innocent people are caught in the crossfire. The story of Yan Ning, who survived a massacre in his village, highlights the brutal reality faced by many in the region. After an attack where soldiers killed numerous villagers, Yan Ning played dead to survive.
The wedding airstrike is a tragic example of the ongoing violence in Myanmar. With increasing attacks and widespread damage, the people in affected areas continue to face great hardship and danger.